Statutory means "of or related to statutes," or what we normally call laws or regulations.Compliance just means to comply with or adhere to.
So statutory compliance means you are following the laws on a given issue
Complying with Central and State Acts and Regulations to keep your company safe from legal trouble has never been more demanding. And now, through
Legal Research, it has become easier. Our Corporate Compliance Services are the effective solutions that can lower your compliance risk profile
reduce fines, reassign headcount, enable a better and higher use of limited law department resources, save measurable cost and improve effectiveness.
We provide industry leading legal research & compliance advice to enable leading corporates and organizations to comply with legal requirements
and other regulations while also identifying potential loopholes, for liability in the Company or organization. Advise on mitigation of such risk and
formulating customized guidelines
For example, you might have omitted to take note that under the Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions
of Service) Act, 1996, your company is potentially liable for penalties if you do not obtain Registration under the said Act.
We conduct the verification exercise of various Acts and Regulations which are either Central Acts or State Acts and are related to either Labour or
Finance, or Economic, or are of pure technical in nature for the due diligence of our Corporate clients. Few Acts are Central Acts with State regulations.
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